Often papers report on experiments performed. This webpage provides all data needed to reproduce the results. The data is sorted by papers.
- False Failure: Creating Failure Models for Separation Logic
C. Bannister, P. Höfner (RAMiCS 2018)
- Analysing AWN-specifications using mCRL2 (extended abstract)
R.J. van Glabbeek, P. Höfner, D. van der Wal (iFM 2018)
- Tool-Based Verification of a Relational Vertex Coloring Program
R. Berghammer, P. Höfner, I. Stucke (RAMiCS 2015)
- Formal Analysis of Proactive, Distributed Routing
M. Kamali, P. Höfner, M. Kamali, L. Petre (SEFM 2015)
- Automated Verification of Relational While-Programs
R. Berghammer, P. Höfner, I. Stucke (RAMiCS 2014)
- Quantitative Analysis of AODV and its Variants on Dynamic Topologies using Statistical Model Checking
P. Höfner, M. Kamali (FORMATS 2013)
- Statistical Model Checking of Wireless Mesh Routing Protocols
P. Höfner, A. McIver (NFM 2013)
- Towards a Rigorous Analysis of AODVv2 (DYMO)
S. Edenhofer, P. Höfner (WRiPE 2012)
- Modelling and Analysis of AODV in UPPAAL
A. Fehnker, R.J. van Glabbeek, P. Höfner, A. McIver, M. Portmann, W.L. Tan (WRiPE 2011)
- An Extension of Feature Algebra
P. Höfner, B. Möller (2010)
- Algebraic Calculi for Hybrid Systems
P. Höfner (2009)
- On Automating the Calculus of Relations
P. Höfner, G. Struth (2008)
- Automated Reasoning for Hybrid Systems — Two Case Studies —
P. Höfner (2008)
Last update: Jan. 05, 2022